
As a buyer for business, on the average of your top five suppliers, click on which one of the four choices below do you use to qualify those suppliers?

Evaluate supplier's financial statments and visit facilities.
Meet supplier's top executives and sales people in person.
Friendly with phone order clerk and read quality & on time delivery report.
None of the above.


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Your Price: $179.00

Green Purchasing and Sustainability

Robert Menard, CPP, CPPC


Environmental sustainability topics are present and growing.  The myth that the green purchasing concept (going green) is expensive is wrong in fact, going green saves enormous amounts of money in most all cases and just makes good business sense.  Saving money is the exclusive province of the purchasing profession. Some companies are earning hundreds of millions by green purchasing throughout their supply chain.  This environmental sustainability book is a hard skills manual for how to go green and make money doing it.
This green purchasing sustainability book is also available in the "Preparation for Certified Green Purchasing Professional (CGPP) Exam" green purchasing training study pack that is a requirement for the CGPP. Go to our online course page to see the details.

Your Price: $179.00