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Preparation for Certified Professional Purchasing Manager (CPPM) Exam
This course is designed to prepare students and applicants to take the Certified Professional Purchasing Manager (CPPM) examination. Similar to the CPP Exam Prep Course, this comprehensive CCPM certification course is also three weeks in length. The examination is taken during the last weekend of the CPPM Certification review course. This course covers topics that purchasing managers should be familiar with.
Syllabus for CPPM certification exam prep course:
Week 1
Monday - CPPM Exam Prep Part 1 - Policies and procedures, purchasing and the law, objectives of business, purpose and duties of management, organization structure
Thursday - CPPM Exam Prep Part 2 - Business, industrial and organizational psychology, human resources and the law, diversity, selection of buyers, training, supervision, ethics, job descriptions, managing quality
Week 2
Monday - CPPM Exam Prep Part 3 - Accounting, control of purchases, purchase or lease, payment methods, managing inventory, security issues
Thursday - Managing Quality - How to Get the Quality and Service You Want
Week 3
Monday - CPPM Exam Prep Part 4 - Dealing with suppliers, international issues, negotiating techniques, communicating, math needed, management tools, green purchasing, public relations, economics, what general management should know
Friday - CPPM Exam - (students have until Monday evening to complete the examination)
The different parts of this CPPM Certification course are self-running and online. They can be taken at any time of the day and whenever is convenient for the student. An instructor is available for questions, directions and guidance.
Although additional requirements are involved, completing this CPPM certification course and successfully passing the examination meets the exam and online course requirements for CPPM certification. Professional purchasing manager certification must still be applied for separately and there are separate fees for the processing of the application. Although the CPP and CPPM prep courses/exams can be taken in any order, the CPP is a requirement for the CPPM. Someone must be first certified as a CPP before being awarded the CPPM, although both certifications can be applied for at the same time. Please go to Certification/Applying for Certification to learn more about certification requirements.
If a student needs to reschedule to a later course date or withdraw from a class after it has begun the following charges apply for the "Preparation for CPPM Exam" course: During first week - $200, during second week - $300, during third week - $400. If a student needs to reschedule the Society must be contacted immediately, and the preceding charges will apply. A student may only transfer to a new session one time. Once a student transfers no refunds are given. There are no exceptions for transfer fees or refunds. If a student needs an extension of time due to an emergency to take the exam the charge to do so will be $300 and an extra two weeks will be allowed; however, the Society must be notified in advance. No examination submitted late will be accepted or graded. If a student fails the exam it may be taken again for a $80 setup fee. The student will have two weeks from the official end of the CPPM certification exam prep course to pay for and retake the exam. The exam can be taken up to three times. Instructions for the certified procurement manager training courses online are usually sent on the begin date for the course session.
It is each student's responsibility to contact the Society if instructions are not received within the time frames listed above. Failure to do so may result in additional fees. Students can contact the Society at 630-859-0250 or at