
As your organization's buyer, do you read formal purchasing agreements?

Only for a formal written contract.
Only for a major purchase involving a high dollar amount.
Only skim unless for a high amount.
Read every written agreement in detail.
Only read from a new or recent supplier.

Essential Principles of Purchasing Certificate Program

The Essential Principles of Purchasing Certificate Program



Our online Essential Principles of Purchasing Certificate Program is for those who have no purchasing experience, especially younger people with less business experience. Provides applicants with the knowledge they need to begin a career in the purchasing/procurement field of business. Applicants will take required Society’s courses and the Certified Purchasing Professional examination. The examination must be passed. All successful candidates will receive certificates: all online courses taken certificates, certificate for the CPP exam passed, and a certificate for the Essential Principles of Purchasing program.

Anyone who successfully completes the program will have also completed the course and exam part of the Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) program; however, that person will not be allowed to apply for the CPP until at least two years have passed. Those interested in continuing to the CPP must apply within 5 years of having completed the program. In other words, there is a 4-year window to apply for the Certified Purchasing Professional after successful completion of the Essential Principles of Purchasing program and one year has passed. Applicants for the CPP must still fulfill all other requirements of the CPP program.



Provides applicants with the knowledge and skills they need to perform purchasing and buying responsibilities in a business environment.

Confirms to employers that a job applicant or employee has learned knowledge and skills needed to perform duties within a purchasing department.

Demonstrates to employers that an employee or job applicant is committed to enhancing his or her value to an organization through continued education and betterment.


Minimum Requirements

Available to anyone from the age of 17 and up with no experience in the purchasing field. No educational requirements are needed to apply. Any applicant age 25 or over must submit a resume.


Requirements to Obtain Certificate

All applicants must take and complete the Society’s online course Fundamentals of Business Buying and Purchasing Management.

All applicants must take the three-week online course Preparation for Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) Exam and pass the examination taken at the end of the course.


Introductory Pricing

$375 for program, all courses, and examination. Additional $268 to add membership.


Apply for Essential Principles of Purchasing Certificate online or download the PDF version of the Essential Principles of Purchasing Certificate here. To apply online apply here.

I am very happy and learned an immense amount of knowledge from the course (Preparation for CPP Exam), thank you again

Chad Pessetto

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