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Certified Professional in Distribution and Warehousing (CPDW)
Certified Professional in Distribution and Warehousing
The area of warehousing and distribution logistics is a quickly blossoming type of business in the U.S. and other places. Warehouses and distribution centers are popping up everywhere as competition for immediate delivery increases. As this quickly growing business advances, the need for professionals in this field increases. The Certified Professional in Distribution and Warehousing (CPDW) program is designed to educate and train people in distribution, logistics, and warehousing management. Students who take part in this logistics certification online program will be prepared for professional jobs in distribution centers and warehouses.
Anyone may apply for the CPDW. The CPP is not a requirement for this certification, and there is a separate application for the CPDW. The requirements for the CPDW are three online logistics certification courses and an examination. The courses may be taken separately or through the Preparation for CPDW Exam online course. The prep course includes the CPDW examination. The three courses are Distribution and Warehousing, Inventory for Distribution and Warehousing, and Management Operations and Logistics. Once these warehousing and distribution logistics courses are completed an examination must be taken and passed. The passing grade for the CPDW examination is 75%.
These warehousing and distribution logistic courses can be registered for on our Seminars and Courses page.
Apply for CPDW certification online or download the PDF version of the CPDW application.
The process for this professional logistics certification program is submit application with processing fee, take all courses, pass examination. Once these are completed the application is reviewed for final approval.
All people awarded the CPDW will receive a formal award letter, a plaque, will be announced on the Society's website, and put CPDW after their name.
The CPDW must be updated every five years for members and every two years for either non-members or those who have let their membership expire in order to keep the certification valid. At the age of 50 lifetime status can be applied for, and after the successful update no further updates will be required. "Managing Inventory - Maintaining the Proper Level" is required for anyone applying for a CPDW update (unless already taken). Download the PDF version of the CPDW update application.