Go Green!

This work book is a hard skills manual for “how-to” go green and making money doing it.
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The American Purchasing Society provides a large library of purchasing publications with relevant information for its' members. This includes the Professional Purchasing magazine, which has been developed since 1972, as well as procurement publications covering a variety of topics relating to the purchasing industry.
Professional Purchasing Includes:
- Articles written to help purchasing professionals perform their job more efficiently.
- Reviews of the economy, price indexes, and business related news.
- Advertisements for job openings for buyers, purchasing managers, or purchasing executives.
- Tips on purchasing related subjects.
- Questions from members are answered.
- Schedules for our online purchasing and supply courses.
- Member profiles
- Professional development books offered by the Society
- Certification Announcements
- and More!
The procurement publications published by the American Purchasing Society cover topics from negotiating, benchmarking, career decisions, to e-commerce, delivery and much more. Become a member of our professional purchasing organization today!

The course Essential Law for Buyers and Sellers was outstanding. Until now, I have never had a discussion with any of my supervisors about these laws, and I am not sure they even know they exist. Math for Purchasing was a tough way to spend a Saturday but a much needed course in my line of work. It will make me a much better asset to my employer.
Steve StaffordPurchasing Director
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