When an application is received by the Society:
Payment is processed.
References are contacted (CPP).
Applicants must take exam preparation course (CPP, CPPM, CGPP).
Applicants must take and pass examination included with prep course (CPP, CPPM, CGPP).
Points are assigned based on education, experience, and examination grade
All applicants receive formal letters at each step of the certification process.
1) Please submit a list of schools you have attended, indicating your highest grade completed, if you graduated, dates attended,
degree or degrees you earned, areas or courses of specialty, and your standing in the class if known. Submit confirmation of
your attendance and diploma or degree earned. List any other or additional courses or seminars you have taken.*
2) Please submit a complete resume or history of your employment giving sufficient detail to indicate or measure your progress,
managerial ability, and business exposure. Be sure to give dates of employment, your official title, and name and title of your
immediate supervisor. Indicate the number of people you supervised in each position, if any.*
3) a. Do you believe you are financially responsible in both your business and personal affairs? If you were taking a job as president
of a bank, what evidence could you show as examples of your financial trustworthiness?*
3) b. Have you ever declared bankruptcy? If so, please give the date, the jurisdiction and the circumstances. Certain financial
situations can disqualify a candidate from earning certification.*
4) Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Answer yes or no. If yes, please provide the crime, date, court jurisdiction and state,
sentence and current status. Conviction of a felony will usually disqualify a candidate from earning certification.*
5) Submit a list of three personal friends (non-business), giving name, current address (including zip code), current telephone
number, email address and occupation.*
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
6) Submit a list of three or more fellow workers, giving name, address (including zip code), telephone number, email address, and
occupation. Please, include your immediate supervisor and indicate so. Fellow workers may be asked to comment on their opinion
of your business and purchasing knowledge.*
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
Reference 5
7) Submit five or six suppliers that you have a business relationship with. Give the name of each supplier, the current address
(including zip code), the current telephone number, email address and the name and title of your principal contact. These contacts
may be asked to comment on your business ethics. Supplier contacts must be provided.*
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
Reference 5
Reference 6
8) Do you have any area of Purchasing specialty? For example, your specialty may be in negotiating, or in a particular product
area, or in administration. If these or any other area, what is it?*
9) Do you belong to any professional organizations and clubs? What are they?*
10) Why are you applying for certification? If certified, will you support the American Purchasing Society and its certification
program? In what way?*
Submit comments or explain any entry above deemed necessary for clarification. Submit any
other data you feel pertinent.
Professional Standards
The American Purchasing Society advocates the following principles and standards that
its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Adherence to these standards is required for
certification and serves to assure public confidence in the integrity of purchasing
Code of Ethics
Maintain loyalty to your employer. Pursue your organization’s objectives consistent
this code as long as no federal, state or local laws are violated.
Buy without personal prejudice from suppliers who offer the optimum value when all
factors are considered.
Exercise and insist on honesty. Denounce all forms of unscrupulous business
Avoid all conflicts of interest which would jeopardize impartiality in your business
Be truthful with your suppliers, potential suppliers, and all others with whom you
Maintain high standards of personal conduct.
Refuse to accept gratuities offered by suppliers or potential suppliers.
Code of Conduct
Strive constantly to improve one’s knowledge of methods, materials, and processes
affect performance.
Exercise and insist on sound business principles in the conduct of all transactions.
Be receptive to competent counsel from colleagues and demonstrate a willingness to
in support of the purchasing profession.
I hereby apply for
from the American Purchasing Society as a fully qualified and professional purchasing
practitioner and swear that all statements made by me in this application, to the best of my
knowledge, are true and factual.
I agree and permit any investigation into my background that the American Purchasing Society
deems necessary. I
understand that I must at all times conduct myself in a businesslike and ethical way and if
I do not, or if it is later discovered
that there are any false statements or deception in submitting this application, an awarded
certification may be revoked.
My signature below affirms that I agree to adhere to the American Purchasing Society's
professional standards and Code
of Ethics as stated above. I have also read, understand, and agree to all rules and
conditions of the certification programs
as explained on the Society’s website and in the certification brochure.