American Purchasing Society, Inc.


* = Required


Type of certification update for which you are applying (check all that apply)

Please answer the following questions.

Submit comments or explain any entry above deemed necessary for clarification. Submit any other data you feel pertinent.

Update Processing Fees (Application processing fees are non-refundable).

Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) Update M $ NM $
Certified Professional Purchasing Manager
(CPPM) Update
M$ NM $
Both CPP and CPPM Update M $ NM $

Certified Green Purchasing Professional (CGPP) M $ NM $

Certified Professional in Distribution and Warehousing (CPDW) M $ NM $

Certified Professional Purchasing Consultant (CPPC) M $ NM $

Accounting, Finance, and Cost Management for Buyers M $ NM $

Forecasting for Buyers, Managers, and Exec. M $ NM $

Managing Inventory – Maintaining the Proper Level M $ NM $

The Science and Art of Negotiation Online Course M $ NM $

The Evolution of Sustainability M $ NM $

Total $