
As your organization's buyer, do you read formal purchasing agreements?

Only for a formal written contract.
Only for a major purchase involving a high dollar amount.
Only skim unless for a high amount.
Read every written agreement in detail.
Only read from a new or recent supplier.

American Purchasing Society, Inc.


* = Required


Type of certification update for which you are applying (check all that apply)

Please answer the following questions.

1) Have you ever been convicted of any crime or felony? Answer yes or no.*

2) Please provide a complete history of employment including titles, dates, responsibilities and names of immediate supervisors since your initial certification date or since your last update.*

Please upload your resume in Adobe PDF format only

3) Please provide a complete history of any education received since your initial certification date or since your last update. Please include names of educational organizations, degree or courses, and dates.*

Please upload your diploma in Adobe PDF format only
Please upload proof of your degree earned in Adobe PDF format only
Please upload your college transcripts in Adobe PDF format only

4) Please list any purchasing books and periodicals read in the last five years.*

5) Do you belong to any professional organizations or clubs? If so, what are they?*

Submit comments or explain any entry above deemed necessary for clarification. Submit any other data you feel pertinent.

Update Processing Fees (Application processing fees are non-refundable).

Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) Update M $125 NM $200
Certified Professional Purchasing Manager
(CPPM) Update
M$125 NM $200
Both CPP and CPPM Update M $200 NM $350

Certified Green Purchasing Professional (CGPP) M $100 NM $150

Certified Professional in Distribution and Warehousing (CPDW) M $100 NM $150

Certified Professional Purchasing Consultant (CPPC) M $100 NM $150

Accounting, Finance, and Cost Management for Buyers M $129 NM $154

Forecasting for Buyers, Managers, and Exec. M $99 NM $129

Managing Inventory – Maintaining the Proper Level M $129 NM $154

The Science and Art of Negotiation Online Course M $175 NM $195

The Evolution of Sustainability M $99 NM $129

Total $