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Seminars & Courses
Forecasting for Buyers, Managers, and Business Executives - Course 4011
This business forecasting course provides essential knowledge about forecasting methods and budgeting and forecasting training. Using these methods helps you predict how prices will change, what inventory you will need, and the size of your staff required to run your operation efficiently. Buyers and purchasing managers should use forecasting to time their purchases for lower prices. Budgeting and forecasting training is important for your staff so that they understand when forecasts should be used to determine how much they should buy at any point in time. It's also helpful for predicting sales, deciding to increase or decrease the workforce, and usage volume. Buyers and management should use forecasting training to predict market changes that may affect their operations. Participants of the online forecasting course will learn the strengths of short-term forecasts and the limitations of long-term forecasts. This course was developed by Mark Miller, Associate Professor of Business at Carthage College with many years of business experience in purchasing and supply chain management. Prior knowledge of some mathematics is helpful for those taking this business forecasting course.