As a buyer for business how often do you invite all suppliers to tour your facilities and hear from your managers about your company and products?
To download a PDF version of the application, click here.
* = Required
Please answer the following questions.
1) Please submit a list of schools you have attended, indicating your highest grade completed, if you graduated, dates attended, degree or degrees you earned, areas or courses of specialty, and your standing in the class if known. Submit confirmation of your attendance and diploma or degree earned. List any other or additional courses or seminars you have taken.
2) Please submit a complete resume giving sufficient detail to indicate or measure your progress, managerial ability, and business exposure. Be sure to give dates of employment, your official title, and name and title of your immediate supervisor. Indicate the number of people you supervised in each position, if any.
3) Do you believe you are financially responsible in both your business and personal affairs? If you were taking a job as president of a bank, what evidence could you show as examples of your financial trustworthiness?
4) Have you ever declared bankruptcy? If so, please give the date, the jurisdiction and the circumstances. Certain financial situations can disqualify a candidate from earning certification.
5) Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Answer yes or no. If yes, please provide the crime, date, court jurisdiction and state, sentence and current status. Conviction of a felony will usually disqualify a candidate from earning certification.
6) Do you belong to any professional organizations and clubs? What are they?
7) Why are you applying for certification? If certified, will you support the American Purchasing Society and its certification program? In what way?
Submit comments or explain any entry above deemed necessary for clarification. Submit any other data you feel pertinent.
The American Purchasing Society advocates the following principles and standards that comprise its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Adherence to these standards is required for certification and serves to assure public confidence in the integrity of purchasing professionals
All Certification Processing Fees must be paid by credit card when you fill out an application online. If you prefer to pay by check, you will instead need to download the PDF version of our application found on the Applying For Certification page, and mail in together with your check.