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How to Plan Your Career and Prepare Your Resume - Course 20089
Looking for professional resume assistance? This resume building workshop qualifies as a free course to new and renewing members. The APS provides professional resume assistance with an online resume building workshop only available from the Society. In Part 1 learn how to plan your career to achieve your goals with professional resume assistance. Then in Part 2 learn how to prepare a great resume that will get you more quality job interviews. Part 3 will tell how to take a successful job interview and avoid serious mistakes. This resume building workshop runs approximately two hours long. Qualifies for 2 CPP points. Professional resume assistance from the APS is available at all times and repeated continually.
What students say:
"AWESOME! [How to Plan Your Career and Prepare a Resume] I really liked the overview and review of the resume preparation and the interview information."
- Patti Foucha, CPP
- Contract Specialist
- RCI Consultants, Inc.
The self-running online courses are attended via the Internet. They require up to two or three continuous hours of attendance. Students are initially contacted by email with instructions on how to take the course for which they have registered. Students may attend the course at any time during the day. This makes the classes more convenient for students. All materials are included in the price of the course and will be available online while attending classes.These courses are nonrefundable. Instructions for these courses are usually sent within a few days of registration. Normally, the Society likes to see these types of courses completed within a month of having sent out the instructions. If too much time elapses without a course being completed the student may have to register for it again.
It is each student's responsibility to contact the Society if instructions are not received within the time frames listed above. Failure to do so may result in additional fees. Students can contact the Society at 630-859-0250 or at